Sign up to ‘Step out for Stroke’ at the Millennium Stadium
22nd April 2010, 3:50 pm By Principality Stadium
People of all ages and abilities are challenged to ‘Step out for Stroke’ by joining a walk at the Millennium Stadium on Tuesday 11th May at 11am.
The walk which marks Stroke Awareness Day comes to the Wales’ iconic city-centre venue as part of the Millennium Stadium’s Community Events programme 2010 which offers the Stadium free of charge to 15 community and charitable organisations across Wales each year.
Over 61,000 people in Wales are living with the after effects of stroke and organisers are urging locals to help raise awareness and funds for the devastating condition, whilst also reducing their own risk of stroke through exercise.
Louise Bennett, Fundraising Manager for Wales said: “Stroke is the UK’s third biggest killer and it accounts for an estimated 900 deaths in Wales alone every year. Many people will know of somebody who has had a personal experience with the condition and so the Step out for stroke walks are a great way to raise funds for these people, whilst also improving your fitness and experiencing the great atmosphere at the Millennium Stadium.
“Whether you choose to walk 10 steps or 10 laps of the Stadium, take a leisurely stroll, or a brisk power walk, the walks are designed for people of any ability and so everyone is invited to join us for a great day out – there’s no excuse! There is also the option of stepping out in fancy dress, so please feel free to do your Step out Challenge in costume!”
Millennium Stadium Manager Gerry Toms said: “The successful Community Events programme allows not-for-profit organisations the opportunity to enjoy the national stadium facilities while also raising awareness and funds for local charities.
“The Millennium Stadium has a wide appeal across Wales and afar and I hope that people of all ages take advantage of this great opportunity and sign up to support the ‘Step out for Stroke’ event.”
The entrance fee is just £5.00, and all participants are asked to pledge to raise a minimum of £30.00 for The Stroke Association and then people will receive a fantastic Step out for stroke T-shirt to mark the occasion.
High blood pressure is the single most common cause of stroke, therefore we will also be holding free Blood Pressure Testing throughout the day, so even if you don’t fancy joining our walkers, why not pop in and offer your support to our participants and have your blood pressure taken for free.
For more information please contact https://www.stroke.org.uk/region/wales