Judgement Day V | Travel advice
12th April 2017, 9:20 am By Principality Stadium
With over 60,000 people expected at Principality Stadium on Saturday, we are advising everyone to plan ahead as the transport network will be extremely busy.
For a Welsh language version of this information visit http://www.newyddioncaerdydd.co.uk/r/13755/cyngor_teithio_ar_gyfer_dydd_y_farn_y_dydd_sadwrn_yma
Cardiff Blues will be taking on the Ospreys at 2.45pm, followed by Newport Gwent Dragons playing the Scarlets at 5.15pm. Given this, there will be a full city centre road closure from 12.45pm until 8.15pm.
Those travelling into Cardiff by car are strongly advised to use the Park & Ride facilities to avoid the congestion. Those that are travelling by train are strongly advised by Arriva Trains Wales to arrive into Cardiff three hours before kick-off, as the services from both the West and the East will be extremely busy. Queen Street Station will close at 4.30pm.
All those leaving the stadium after the rugby are advised to return to Cardiff Central Train Station straight after the event. A queuing system will be in place at Cardiff Central and the details can be viewed through the following link – www.arrivatrains.wales/events
All those that come into Cardiff will see an increase in the number of police officers compared with a normal weekend. The increase in the deployment of officers isn’t a reflection of any specific threat. Those watching the rugby games at the Principality Stadium are advised to get into the venue as early as possible, security will be in place, so if you bring a bag with you, expect to be searched. All the times for the road closures given below are estimates and the roads will be re-opened as quickly as possible when it is deemed safe to do so.
- Full City Centre road closure from 12.45pm until 8.15pm:
- Kingsway from its junction with North Road to its junction with Duke Street.
- Cowbridge Road East from its junction with Cathedral Road to its junction with Westgate Street.
- Tudor Street from its junction with Clare Road to its junction with Wood Street (access for residents & traders will be permitted via Fitzhammon Embankment)
- Plantagenet Street and Beauchamp Street from their junctions with Despenser Place to their junctions with Tudor Street (access for residents & traders will be permitted)
- Saunders Road from the junction with St Mary Street
- Customhouse Street throughout its length
- Penarth Road from the junction with Saunders Road to the entrance leading to the back of the Cardiff Central Train station
- The following roads will be closed in their entirety: – Duke Street, Castle St, High Street, St Mary Street, Caroline Street, Wood Street, Central Square, Westgate Street, Quay Street, Guildhall Place, Golate, Park Street, Havelock Street and Scott Road
- Sophia Gardens is available for event day parking and spaces will be allocated on a first come first serve basis. Access to the Civic centre will be controlled, with access allowed only for match-day parking, loading and access to private car parks. The roads affected include, King Edward V11 Avenue, Museum Avenue, City Hall Road, College Road and Gorsedd Gardens Road.
The Authorities are advising that if there are any safety concerns relating to the queuing system at Cardiff Central Train Station, then Wood Street, Westgate Street, Park Street, Havelock Street, St Mary Street, Penarth Road, Saunders Road and Customhouse Street will remain closed until these issues are resolved.
Those that live locally in Cardiff may want to travel by bicycle or walk. Research shows us that 52% of car trips made in the Welsh Capital are less than 5km. This is a distance that can be comfortably cycled in 20 minutes. We also know that 28% of Cardiff residents that currently do not cycle would like to do so. When the roads are congested this makes cycling an even more attractive option as travel by bicycle would be quicker than a car during rush hours or during big events.
All customers are being advised to buy a ticket (return if needed) from the first available ticket dispenser/office or from the Arriva Trains Wales Ticket app before you board the train. Revenue Protection Teams will be operating during this event. As with all large events in Cardiff, all customers are advised to plan ahead – www.arrivatrains.wales/events
There will park and ride facilities in the following locations:
Cardiff City Stadium
Cost: £10 on the day (cash only) or £8 if you pre-book through https://www.parkjockey.com/principality-stadium
You can access the park & ride facility by exiting the M4 from Junction 33. The drop off point is Tresilian Way North, at the rear of Cardiff Central Train Station.
Sophia Gardens
The cost £15 in cash on the day. No pre-booking is available. The car park opens at 8.00am and will close at 12 Midnight. To get to Sophia Gardens exit the M4 via junction 32.
Civic Centre
The cost is £15 on the day (cash only) or £12 if you pre-book through https://www.parkjockey.com/principality-stadium
Buses will be diverted out of the central city centre bus stops. Bus displaced from stops within the closure will relocate to either Churchill Way for the East. Greyfriars Road for the North or Tudor Street for the West. Please visit the various bus operators for changes to their services:
- For Cardiff Bus services, please visit – www.cardiffbus.co.uk
- For New Adventure Travel Services, please visit – https://www.natgroup.co.uk/
- For Stagecoach Services, please visit – www.stagecoachbus.com