Ground Rules
Below are the Ground Regulations when attending events at Principality Stadium. Please ensure you aware of all rules & regulations before attending an event.
1. Any person who enters the stadium (including the outer concourses) at Westgate Street, Cardiff, CF10 1NS (“the Stadium”) operated by The Welsh Rugby Union Limited and/or Millennium Stadium plc (“WRU Group”) or other property owned or controlled by the WRU Group in the vicinity of the Stadium (together known as “the Grounds”) is admitted only on the basis of these Rules and by entering the Grounds shall be deemed to have accepted these Rules.
2. Admission to the Stadium is only by the entrance indicated on the ticket and cannot be guaranteed if the ticket holder arrives at the Stadium less than 30 minutes before the advertised commencement or kick off time.
3. Any person who enters the Ground is liable to be searched by a police officer, steward or representative of the WRU Group and the WRU Group reserves the right to refuse admission to, or to eject from the Grounds, any person who refuses to be searched.
4. The following offences are prohibited and any person committing such an offence will be ejected from the Grounds:a. The throwing of any object within, at or towards the Stadium playing area, any area adjacent to the playing area or any area in which spectators or other persons are or may be present;
b. The use of foul or abusive language, indecent or racial chanting, including threatening, abusive or insulting language directed to a person by reason of his colour, race, sexuality, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins;
c. Unauthorised entry upon the field of play and this includes going onto the playing area, or any area adjacent to the playing area to which spectators are not generally admitted;
d. Unnecessary noise or behaviour likely to cause confusion or nuisance of any kind;
e. Climbing onto or into stands, buildings, fences, structures or fittings within the Stadium or Grounds.
5. Access or attempting to gain access to non public areas of the Grounds or areas of the Stadium not authorised by the event ticket is strictly prohibited. No person may obstruct, loiter or remain in any gangway, entrance, exit or staircase at any time. Any person entering the Stadium or Grounds must comply with the lawful directions of any police officer, steward or representative of the WRU Group and any person who fails to comply will be ejected from the Stadium or Grounds.
6. Other than in exceptional circumstances permitted by the WRU Group no person may bring into the Stadium any food or beverages. Admission to the Stadium will be denied if a person attempts to gain entry with alcohol, or any article capable of causing injury to a person struck by it, for example a bottle, can or other portable container.
7. Any person within the Stadium or attempting to gain access to the Stadium or Grounds who is, or appears to be under the influence of drink or drugs may be ejected from the Stadium or refused entry into the Stadium or Grounds.
8. Smoking, including any form of electronic cigarette in the Grounds is strictly forbidden except within designated areas and any person found to be smoking outside of the designated areas may be ejected from the Grounds.
9. Fireworks, flares, pyrotechnics, all horns including air horns, musical instruments, smoke canisters, laser pointers, bottles, glasses, cans, cooking devices, banners, poles, large golf-type umbrellas, ‘selfie ‘sticks, knives, blades and other articles or containers – including any which could or might be used as a weapon – or any other item which in the reasonable opinion of the WRU Group, its servants or agents, could be used as a weapon or cause nuisance to others, are prohibited within the Stadium. An exemption may be granted to permit the use of air horns in respect of certain classes of event. In such a case, details will be printed on the event ticket.
10. All promotional, commercial, political and religious printed matter, including but not limited to leaflets, banners, flags, signs, symbols are prohibited within the Stadium and Grounds unless authorised by the WRU Group. Any objects or clothing bearing statements or commercial identification intended for “ambush marketing” are prohibited within the Stadium and Grounds. Any person who is in possession of such items may be refused entry or ejected, and may be subject to legal action.
11. All children under 2 years of age will be allowed to sit on an adults lap free of charge without a match ticket. All children over the age of 2 years of age (24 months) will require an event ticket to gain entry into the Stadium. No pushchairs or prams are allowed into the Stadium.
12. Animals (except service dogs and guide dogs) or livestock are prohibited from entering the Stadium or Grounds unless specifically authorised by the WRU Group.
13. No person (other than a person who holds an appropriate accreditation from WRU Group) may bring into the Grounds or use within the Grounds any equipment which is capable of recording or transmitting (by digital or other means) any audio, visual or audio-visual material or any information or data in relation to an Event or the Grounds (save for photographs taken for personal non-commercial purposes). Copyright in any unauthorised recording or transmission is assigned (by way of present assignment of future copyright pursuant to section 91 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988) to WRU Group.
14. No person unless authorised in writing by the WRU Group is permitted to distribute or offer for sale or sell within the Stadium or Grounds any item or article whatsoever which includes any ticket, programme, newspaper or leaflet. No person is allowed to conduct a charitable collection unless authorised and if so authorised, the person must carry evidence of such authorisation.
15. All vehicles shall be parked within car parks in accordance with instructions communicated by the WRU Group, its servants or agents.
16. The WRU Group, its servants or agents will not be liable for any loss, injury or damage to including of or to any vehicle or its contents in any car park or to any person or their belongings who enters the Stadium or Grounds caused by the WRU Group or its servants or agents, in circumstances where there is no breach of a legal duty of care owed by the WRU Group or its servants or agents; or in circumstances where such loss or damage is not a reasonably foreseeable result of any such breach (save for death or personal injury as a result of a breach of legal duty of care owed by the WRU Group, its servants or agents) or to the extent that any increase in loss or damage results from breach by the person of any of the terms of allocation, distribution or these rules. The WRU will be not be responsible for any loss, theft or damage of the ticket holder’s personal belongings, other than caused as a result of its negligence or other breach of statutory duty. A person enters the Stadium and Grounds at their own risk.
17. Closed circuit television (“CCTV”) recording operates throughout the Stadium and Grounds for the purpose of crowd safety management, crime prevention and detection, and the maintenance of public order. Any enquires in respect of CCTV should be addressed to the System Administrator, telephone number 029 2082 2150. Ticket holders give their express consent to the use of their actual or simulated likeness in connection with production, exhibition, advertising or exploitation of any film, video and/or audio recording of this event and or element thereof in/any media throughout the world.
18. There is no re-admission to the Grounds.
19. The WRU Group reserves the right to make alterations to the published event programme where reasonably necessary.
20. All persons entering the Stadium are admitted only subject to the above rules. Entry to the Stadium shall be deemed to constitute unqualified acceptance of all the above rules. The WRU Group, its servants, agents and police officers shall be entitled to refuse admission, re-admission to, or to eject from the Stadium or the Grounds any person who does not comply with or is in breach of the Ground Rules, or other terms applying to the specific event.
Football matches only
21. In the case of football matches played at the Stadium the following shall also apply:
a. On no account will admission to a football match be granted to a person who is the subject of a current Banning Order;
b. Any individual who has entered any part of the Grounds designated for the use of any group of supporters to which they do not belong may be ejected from the Grounds either for the purposes of their own safety or for any other reason;
c. It is prohibited to be in possession of any intoxicating liquor, or bottle, can or other portable container and which could cause damage or personal injury when entering the Grounds or in a public area of the Grounds from which the event can be directly viewed;
d. Such acts will result in arrest and/or ejection from the Grounds.
Stadiwm Principality
1. Caniateir mynediad i unrhyw berson fynd i mewn i’r stadiwm (gan gynnwys y cynteddau allanol) yn Stryd Westgate, Caerdydd, CF10 1NS (“y Stadiwm”) a weithredir gan Undeb Rygbi Cymru Cyfyngedig a/neu Stadiwm y Mileniwm ccc (“Grwp URC”) neu unrhyw eiddo arall mae Grwp URC yn berchen arno neu’n ei reoli yng nghyffiniau’r Stadiwm (a adwaenir gyda’i gilydd fel “y Safle”) yn unig ar sail y Rheolau hyn ac wrth fynd i mewn i’r Safle ystyrir ei fod wedi derbyn y Rheolau hyn.
2. Ceir mynediad i’r Stadiwm yn unig drwy’r fynedfa a nodir ar y tocyn ac ni ellir ei warantu os cyrhaedda deiliad y tocyn y Stadiwm lai na 30 munud cyn amser y cychwyn hysbysedig neu’r gic gyntaf.
3. Mae unrhyw berson sy’n mynd i mewn i’r Safle yn agored i gael ei chwilio gan swyddog heddlu, stiward neu gynrychiolydd Grwp URC ac mae Grwp URC yn cadw’r hawl i wrthod mynediad i’r Safle, neu daflu allan o’r Safle, unrhyw berson sy’n gwrthod cael ei chwilio.
4. Gwaherddir y troseddau canlynol a theflir allan o’r Safle unrhyw berson sy’n cyflawni trosedd o’r fath:
a. Taflu unrhyw wrthrych o fewn, at neu i gyfeiriad ardal chwarae’r Stadiwm neu unrhyw ardal yn agos i’r ardal lle mae neu lle gallai gwylwyr neu bersonau eraill fod yn bresennol;
b. Defnyddio iaith frwnt neu enllibus, siantio anweddus neu hiliol, gan gynnwys iaith fygythiol, ddilornus neu sarhaus wedi’i hanelu at berson ar sail lliw, hil, rhywioldeb, cenedl (gan gynnwys dinasyddiaeth) neu darddiadau ethnig neu genedlaethol;
c. Mynediad heb ganiatâd i faes y chwarae ac mae hyn yn cynnwys mynd ar ardal y chwarae, neu unrhyw ardal gerllaw ardal y chwarae lle na chaiff gwylwyr yn gyffredinol fynediad;
d. Swn neu ymddygiad diangen sy’n debygol o achosi dryswch neu niwsans o unrhyw fath;
e. Dringo dros neu i mewn i eisteddleoedd, adeiladau, ffensys, strwythurau neu ffitiadau o fewn y Stadiwm neu’r Safle.
5. Gwaherddir ar unrhyw gyfrif fynediad neu geisio mynediad i ardaloedd o’r Safle nad ydynt yn agored i’r cyhoedd neu ardaloedd o’r Stadiwm na chaniateir mynediad iddynt gan docyn y digwyddiad. Ni all unrhyw berson ar unrhyw adeg lesteirio, sefyllian neu aros mewn unrhyw dramwyfa, mynedfa, allanfa neu risiau. Mae’n rhaid i unrhyw berson sy’n dod i mewn i’r Stadiwm neu’r Safle gydymffurfio â chyfarwyddiadau cyfreithlon unrhyw swyddog heddlu, stiward neu gynrychiolydd Grwp URC a theflir allan o’r Stadiwm neu’r Safle unrhyw berson sy’n methu â chydymffurfio.
6. Heblaw mewn sefyllfaoedd eithriadol a ganiateir gan Grwp URC ni all unrhyw berson ddod ag unrhyw fwyd neu ddiod i mewn i’r Stadiwm. Gwrthodir mynediad i’r Stadiwm os ceisia person gael mynediad gydag alcohol, neu unrhyw wrthrych a all achosi niwed i berson a gaiff ei daro ganddo, er enghraifft potel, can neu gynhwysydd cludadwy arall.
7. Gellid taflu allan o’r Stadiwm unrhyw berson o fewn y Stadiwm neu’n ceisio cael mynediad i’r Stadiwm neu’r Safle sydd, neu’n ymddangos dan ddylanwad alcohol neu gyffuriau neu fe ellir dan amodau o’r fath wrthod mynediad i mewn i’r Stadiwm neu’r Safle.
8. Mae ysmygu, gan gynnwys unrhyw fath o sigaréts electronig wedi ei wahardd o’r Safle ac eithrio o fewn ardaloedd penodedig a gall unrhyw un a geir i fod yn ysmygu y tu allan i’r ardaloedd penodeig gael ei daflu allan o’r Safle.
9. Gwaherddir o fewn y Stadiwm unrhyw dân gwyllt, ffaglau, pyrotechnegau, cyrn o bob math gan gynnwys cyrn aer, offerynnau cerdd, tuniau mwg, pwyntyddion laser, poteli, ymbarelau golff, gwydrau, caniau, dyfeisiau coginio, baneri, polion, ffyn hunluniau, cyllyll, llafnau a gwrthrychau neu gynwysyddion eraill – gan gynnwys unrhyw rai y gellid eu defnyddio neu a ddefnyddid fel arf – neu unrhyw wrthrych arall y gellid ei ddefnyddio fel arf neu a allai beri niwsans i eraill ym marn resymol Grwp URC, ei weision neu ei asiantiaid. Gellid cael esemptiad i ganiatáu defnyddio cyrn aer ar gyfer dosbarthiadau arbennig o ddigwyddiadau. Mewn achos o’r fath, argreffir manylion ar y tocyn digwyddiad.
10. Gwaherddir pob deunydd hysbysebol, masnachol, gwleidyddol a chrefyddol argraffedig, gan gynnwys ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i daflenni, baneri, fflagiau, arwyddion, symbolau o fewn y Stadiwm a’r Safle, oni chaniateir hynny gan Grwp URC. Gwaherddir unrhyw wrthrychau neu ddillad yn arddangos datganiadau neu nod masnachol a fwriedir ar gyfer “marchnata rhagod” o fewn y Stadiwm a’r Safle. Gellid gwrthod mynediad neu fe ellid taflu allan ac fe ellid cychwyn achos cyfreithiol yn erbyn unrhyw berson yn meddu gwrthrychau o’r fath.
11. Bydd modd i blant dan 2 oed eistedd ar lîn oedolyn yn rhad ac am ddim heb diced i’r gêm. Bydd yn ofynol i bob plentyn dros 2 oed (24 mis) gael ticed er mwyn cael mynediad i’r Stadiwm. Ni chaniateir coetsis babis na phramiau yn y stadiwm.
12. Gwaherddir anifeiliaid (ac eithrio cwn gwasanaeth a chwn tywys) neu dda byw rhag mynd i mewn i’r Stadiwm neu’r Safle oni bai iddynt gael caniatâd Grwp URC.
13. Ni all unrhyw berson (ac eithrio person sy’n dal achrediad priodol oddi wrth Grwp URC) ddod ag unrhyw gyfarpar i mewn i’r Safle neu ddefnyddio o fewn y Safle unrhyw gyfarpar a all recordio neu drosglwyddo (drwy gyfrwng digidol neu gyfrwng arall) unrhyw ddeunydd clywedol, gweledol neu glyweledol neu unrhyw wybodaeth neu ddata mewn cysylltiad â Digwyddiad neu â’r Safle (heblaw am luniau a dynnir at ddibenion personol anfasnachol). Aseinir hawlfraint mewn unrhyw recordiad neu drosglwyddiad anawdurdodedig (drwy gyfrwng aseiniad presennol neu hawlfraint yn y dyfodol yn unol ag adran 91 Deddf Hawlfraint, Dyluniadau a Phatentau 1988) i Grwp URC.
14. Ni chaniateir i unrhyw berson, oni roddir caniatâd yn ysgrifenedig gan Grwp URC, ddosbarthu neu gynnig rhoi ar werth neu werthu o fewn y Stadiwm neu’r Safle unrhyw eitem neu wrthrych o fath yn y byd sy’n cynnwys unrhyw docyn, rhaglen, papur dyddiol neu daflen. Ni chaniateir i unrhyw berson gasglu at elusen oni chaniatawyd hynny, ac os caniatawyd, mae’n rhaid i’r person gario tystiolaeth o ganiatâd o’r fath.
15. Caiff yr holl gerbydau eu parcio o fewn meysydd parcio yn unol â chyfarwyddiadau a roddwyd gan Grwp URC, ei weision neu ei asiantiaid.
16. Ni fydd Grwp URC, ei weision neu ei asiantiaid yn atebol am unrhyw golled, niwed neu ddifrod i unrhyw gerbydau neu gynnwys y cerbydau mewn unrhyw faes parcio, neu i unrhyw bersonau neu eu heiddo sy’n mynd i mewn i’r Stadiwm neu’r Safle a achosir gan Grwp URC, neu ei weision neu ei asiantiaid, mewn amgylchiadau lle nad oes torri dyletswydd gofal yn ôl y gyfraith yn ddyledus gan Grwp URC, neu ei weision neu ei asiantiaid; neu mewn amgylchiadau lle nad yw unrhyw golled neu ddifrod o’r fath yn ganlyniad y gellir ei ragweld yn rhesymol i unrhyw dorri dyletswydd (heblaw am farwolaeth neu niwed personol o ganlyniad i dorri dyletswydd gofal yn ôl y gyfraith yn ddyledus gan Grwp URC, ei weision neu ei asiantiaid), neu i’r graddau bod unrhyw gynnydd mewn colled neu ddifrod yn deillio o berson yn torri unrhyw amodau dyrannu, dosbarthu’r rheolau hyn. Ni fydd URC yn gyfrifol am unrhyw golled, lladrad neu ddifrod i eiddo personol deiliad y tocyn, heblaw am y rheiny a achoswyd o ganlyniad i’w esgeulustod neu dorri dyletswydd statudol arall. Mae person yn mynd i mewn i’r Stadiwm a’r Safle ar ei gyfrifoldeb ei hun.
17. Mae recordio teledu cylch cyfyng caeedig (“TCCC”) yn gweithredu drwy’r Stadiwm a’r Safle at ddiben rheoli diogelwch y dorf, atal a datgelu troseddau, a chynnal y drefn gyhoeddus. Dylid cyfeirio unrhyw ymholiadau ynghylch TCCC i Weinyddwr y System, rhif ffôn 029 2082 2150. Mae deiliaid tocynnau yn rhoi eu caniatâd penodol i ddefnyddio’u hunion debygrwydd neu eu tebygrwydd efelychiadol mewn cysylltiad â chynhyrchu, arddangos, hysbysebu neu ymelwa o unrhyw ffilm, fideo a/neu recordio’r digwyddiad hwn yn glywedol a/neu elfen ohono mewn unrhyw gyfryngau ar draws y byd.
18. Ni ellir cael ail-fynediad i’r Safle.
19. Mae Grwp URC yn cadw’r hawl i wneud newidiadau i raglen gyhoeddedig y digwyddiad lle bo hynny’n rhesymol angenrheidiol.
20. Caniateir mynediad i bob person sy’n mynd i mewn i’r Stadiwm yn amodol ar y rheolau uchod yn unig. Ystyrir y bydd mynediad i’r Stadiwm yn golygu derbyn yn ddiamod yr holl reolau uchod. Bydd hawl gan Grwp URC, ei weision, ei asiantiaid a swyddogion heddlu wrthod mynediad, ail-fynediad i’r Stadiwm neu’r Safle, neu daflu allan o’r Stadiwm neu’r Safle unrhyw berson nad yw’n cydymffurfio â’r Rheolau Safle neu’n torri’r Rheolau Safle, neu amodau eraill sy’n gymwys i’r digwyddiad penodol.
Gemau Pêl-droed yn unig
21. Parthed gemau pêl-droed a chwaraeir yn y Stadiwm bydd y canlynol hefyd yn gymwys:
a. Ni chaniateir mynediad i gêm bêl-droed ar unrhyw gyfrif i unrhyw berson sy’n rhwym wrth Orchymyn Gwahardd;
b. Gellid taflu allan o’r Safle unrhyw unigolion sydd wedi mynd i mewn i unrhyw ran o’r Safle a ddynodwyd at ddefnydd unrhyw grwp o gefnogwyr nad yw’n perthyn iddo naill ai er lles eu diogelwch eu hunain neu am unrhyw reswm arall;
c. Gwaherddir bod ag unrhyw wirodydd meddwol, neu botel, can neu gynhwysydd cludadwy arall a allai achosi difrod neu niwed personol wrth fynd i mewn i’r Safle neu mewn ardal gyhoeddus o’r Safle o ble gall y digwyddiad gael ei wylio’n uniongyrchol;
d. Bydd gweithredoedd o’r fath yn arwain at berson yn cael ei arestio a/neu ei daflu allan o’r Safle.