Safety Information
Your safety is our concern
The expertise and experience of safety stewards, police, doctors, paramedics and members of the St John’s Ambulance Service are important ingredients in the safety management plan of Principality Stadium. The successful implementation of this plan however depends to a very large extent on the co-operation of you the spectator and all other Stadium users.
Please contact a steward if you have any worries over a matter of safety, any concerns about the behaviour of other spectators or if you need help with ticketing or with finding your way in the Stadium. Stewards in green jackets hold formal qualifications in first aid and life saving and stewards in orange and yellow jackets are supervisors who are in constant contact with the Stadium control room.
First Aid
There are 12 first aid posts and one first aid centre at Principality Stadium. A first aid post can be found at each corner of the ground on levels 3, 4 and 6. The large first aid centre is on level 1 and caters for major injuries. This facility has a direct access route for the ambulance service.
Lost Property
Stewards will ensure that any lost property is taken to a secure storage location and the details entered into a register. If you wish to claim property which you believe to be lost within the confines of the Stadium then please call Principality Stadium lost property line on 029 2066 7943. Please note that this line will not be in operation on the day of an event.
Facilities for Disabled Spectators
Wheelchair users and other disabled spectators enter the Stadium via the same turnstiles and through the same entrances as all other spectators:
– From the north along the Riverwalk to Gate 1
– From the east across Westgate Plaza to Gate 3
– From the south across Millennium Plaza to Gate 6 and 7
Viewing areas for wheelchair users and dedicated toilet facilities are available throughout the ground on all levels. Facilities on the upper levels are reached via lifts and a step-free level access. A number of stewards have voluntarily undertaken specific disability awareness training. These stewards will be pleased to offer assistance to our disabled visitors. This help includes providing a refreshment ordering service for those disabled spectators who request it.
Persistent Standing
Principality Stadium is an ‘all-seater’ Stadium and standing during matches or other events is not permitted. Spectators should remain seated at all times and not obstruct the view of others during exciting passages of play.
Prohibited Items
A list of prohibited items can be found underĀ Ground Rules
Parenting Rooms
Designated feeding and nappy changing facilities are located in each corner of the Stadium on every level. Their precise locations are well signposted.
No Smoking
Please be advised that Principality Stadium is now a completely non-smoking Stadium. Smoking is not permitted anywhere within the Stadium.
It is with regret that we have to inform you that at some previous events pickpockets have been operating amongst spectators, especially those spectators queuing for refreshments or other merchandise. Principality Stadium in conjunction with South Wales Police will continue to make every effort to detect, apprehend and prosecute those responsible for carrying out these crimes. Principality Stadium would be grateful for your co-operation in this matter and ask that you report any suspicious behaviour to the nearest steward or police officer.
Use of Escalators
With around 50,000 spectators accommodated above ground level it is simply not possible for everyone to leave the Stadium via the four sets of escalators. The escalators are intended primarily for the use of those spectators at levels 5 and 6 who are unable to use the staircases. In order to prevent the build up of potentially dangerous congestion at the end of an event, egress via the escalators is restricted to those spectators departing from level 6. Again, your co-operation in this regard is greatly appreciated.
Toilets are situated on every level of the Stadium and can be found by following the concourse signs. There are 82 sets of toilet facilities available for public use.
Licensed Bars / Food and Beverage Outlets
There are numerous bars and food and beverage facilities open to the public at Principality Stadium for today’s event. For these outlets to operate safely and effectively it is critical that all persons making use of them move away from bar and counter areas immediately purchases have been made and not obstruct the access of others. Your help to keep the concourses clear in an attempt to reduce congestion is very much appreciated.
Many thanks for your co-operation. Enjoy your visit to Principality Stadium.